Blog Details

Saturday 15th May 2021


Firstly, let’s understand the basics, what SEO is and how does it work?

SEO is Search Engine Optimization, which is a digital marketing strategy of raising the quantity and quality of traffic to your website through organic search engine outcomes.

To know the actual meaning of SEO, let's cut that definition down and look at the sections:

·       Quality of traffic- You can engage all the customers in the globe, but if they're visiting your webpage or website because Google allows them, you're an asset for something which you’re not, that is not known as quality traffic. Instead, you want to appeal to potential customers who are genuinely and desired to be interested in the products and services that you offer.

·       Quantity of traffic- Once you have a target and potential audience tapping on your website from those search engine results pages (SERPs), more target audience is a good sign.

·       Organic results- Organic results are any burster of a lot many people that you don't have to buy or purchase for.

Further, to know a good understanding and awareness of how it all works, let us initially understand the procedure in simple words:

You might be giving a thought to a search engine as a website or webpage you go through to ask a question into a box and what so ever search engine you're using magically answers with a wide range of links to web pages that could potentially satisfy your question. Have you ever stopped and given a thought to consider what's the reason behind that magical range and number of links?

Here's how it works:

Google (or any search engine) has a crawler (an information gatherer) that goes out and collects data about all the content they can get on the Internet. The crawlers get all those 1s and 0s data and information back to the search engine to make an index. That index is then acted through an algorithm that aims to match all that information with your query.

Now that we know what SEO is and how it works in an online pattern, let’s have a better understanding of the *TOP 10 TIPS* to drive good organic traffic to your web page:



When developing fresh content, most bloggers write about what appeals to them. This could be content on the updated news or a niche-related latest topic. But there are two issues here:

1)    If you’re just initiating, have a mindset that no one cares about your opinions or insight. People want to learn from experienced and authoritative bloggers or content writers who have the expertise or a well-settled audience. Instead of speaking about yourself, you should talk about what your target audience wants to be specific in.

2)    These topics have small and limited shelf lives. When you initially publish them and share them with your channel, they might get humongous traffic, but they don’t have survival potential. Once the hot-button topic fades off, interest also dies, and no one read your article anymore.

When this situation takes place, your blog doesn’t rise. You need to publish regularly to sustain and survive the traffic. The optimal answer for this situation is, make your content in such a way so your articles rank on Google. As for more long, your article ranks in Google for necessary search queries, you’ll get more organic search traffic.



Google’s objective is to reveal the most appropriate result. So, it has to be understood why your audience is searching, i.e., search intent.To rank, you have to synchronize your content in the same way, you have to search keywords with data intent. Typically, these initiate with words like who, what, when, why, where, and how. You’ll also have to keep up a better option of a ranking if you go for the content format the SERPs expectation. Let’s say you desire to rank up for the point topic “how to attract traffic to your website.”From the keyword only, it seems like the audience wants a “how-to” guide and strategy. Unfortunately, this is a wrong approach. If you go for the maximum-ranking pages, you observe that most of them are describing lists. So, if you think of up ranking yourselves for this topic, you’ll have to make a list, instead of a “how-to” guide.



Not only does Google need to rank the most appropriate results on the initial page, but it also is required to rank the best. Your content needs to focus on the channels that it is eligible for a place there. How? By ensuring your blog post covers every point that searchers want to see.The objective is not quantity, but quality. Your objective is wall to wall, not a few words and descriptive sayings for the sake of covering up some arbitrary quantity.



Google predicts links are their main three ranking choices. So, to rank up in Google, your content requires links. But, how?

There are three patterns to do that:

1)    Create them: in some cases, developing links (like making a Facebook page and multiplying a link back to your site) offers less to no value since it can be done by anyone. It’s not an asset or of any value indicator for Google.

2)    Earn them: To earn links, your content should be very attractive and have that caliber for linking to. If your content is not different and is the same as the next 10,000 other posts cribbing to outrank each other in the SERPs, why would anyone go for your content data to link to?

3)    Build them: (Included in point 8)



It hardly matters if you rank on top if no one taps through to your webpage or website. To auction searchers into going for your website over the rest, you’ll have a compelling Title Tag and Meta description

Here are a few tricks and tips:

·       Involve your target and specific keywords

·       Sum up power words

·       Use predicted and safe formulae

·       Make it under the truncation authority and limit



Have you got a stick on a Wikipedia Page ever? That’s because Wikipedia’s internal links keep you engrossed on their site. You should try the same pattern too. Not only can internal links engross readers on your web content, but they can also enhance the performance and efficiency of your pages in organic search too.

Why? This is because of Google’s original algorithm: Page Ranking.

Internal links make the easy flow of Page Ranking around your websites and webpages. And generally, the maximum internal links a page has, the better its Page Rank.



Blogger outreach is where you give and transfer customized emails to appropriate bloggers or journalists. During this procedure, you try to satisfy them to talk about your content be it in a blog or article or get them to link to your website or webpage.

There are three major classifications of audience you can reach out to:

·       Audience featured in your articles

·       People who’ve already posted or created similar topics

·       Websites that I've been linked to articles on the very similar topic



There are various link-building strategies and techniques around, and each one focuses on a unique and definite situation and context, it's too much to intervene into every detail and pinpoints about every section, so let’s discuss the one strategy and tool that’s used successfully. It is known as ‘guest blogging’.What is the actual meaning of guest blogging and how does it work? It is when you frame content for a blog post for a different blog. In return for a free section of content, the blog editor provides you access to their target audience. Most importantly, you’ll have to link to your website, which can drive referral and recommended traffic and help in upgrading your ranking.How to understand which sites to target? The simplest way is to search for sites that are already searching for contributors.Now, there can be trouble and problem with this technique. Since they’re so easy to search, the competition and participation of competitors can be intense and may cause trouble. Another technique to understand is targeting sites in your niche. If you can develop remarkable content and give that to them for free, why would they refuse it?



Since you’ve already invested a lot of time and effort, so what not to develop good content for your article, don’t let it be useless. You need to extend the shelf life of your article by shifting turn it into different patterns and formats. After all, some potential audience prefers to learn and adapt through text and content, while others may prefer audio or video. This doesn’t signify that you should copy-paste the chapter which has already existed or developed before as a fresh blog post. Reputable sites do not prefer publishing duplicate or copied content that’s already ranking on your website.



We need to accept that not every content you create and develop will rank up on the first attempt.  That can happen because you’ve misunderstood search intent, or the topic you were focusing on was too wide and broad. Sometimes, an article or blog that was high ranking originally doesn’t give up on traffic. When that happens, it’s generally because maybe the content in your article has become dated.In any of these cases, you’ll need to enhance, edit and update the content of your articles. To search pages with declining and reducing traffic, search at your Google Analytics.These are a few precise tips, tactics, and strategies you can use to grow and upgrade your blog, because….  They definitely work! Select one of them (or all) and initiate implementing it on a specific blog. You may not get the results right in the starting, but be patient and trust the procedure. Good luck and keep the spirits high!