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Monday 30th August 2021


While we talk about Digital Transformation and the paradigm shift of traditional marketing into digital marketing, the better side about COVID-19 is the comprehensive impact on behavior shift in the market. In the middle shift to the senior leadership and benefits of most organizations and brands, including customers from 35 to 44 age bracket raised their internet consumption and online usage by 11% while millennials noticed an average increase of 5-7%.


The unobserved disappearance of all platforms and channels in a contest to offline events and conferences, along with the raising obstacles on face-to-face business and brands, poses a sizable challenge and difficulties for marketers in today's era. 

Brands and businesses across the globe are gradually coming to terms with the volatile business atmosphere we have seen ourselves in the effects of the COVID-19 crises. Whether your brand has temporarily frozen or seized operations or has planned to implement innovation-driven remote working methods, how you approach and thrive your digital marketing strategy should be a primary target in these terrific and tension-hosted times ahead.

It would be really silly to discount the strength, power and pull off live, physical, and real offline marketing campaigns. The unobserved and unseen disappearance of all platforms and channels about offline events and conferences and the raising obstacles and barriers on face-to-face business and brand pose a sizable challenge for marketers nowadays. Soon, your prospective clients and potential customers are going to be resistant in walking through a visiting door and shaking your hand – and no one has any idea or thought about how long this will last and whether this will be a longer-term transformation.


The Online channels and Internet is the only place that is not quarantined or locked in the lockdown for the quarantined potential audience or targeted consumers, and brands – including ones that do not even have a social page yet – will have to be aware and explore the realms of it. Suppose it's a legal norm in your association or brand to go out and visit new people out their face-to-face before involving in business tasks and activities. In that case, one must adapt and explore the web or social media channels and platforms where relationships can be made and fostered without any physical contact.


Amidst the transformation in the social world and era, prominent channels and platforms such as Facebook (+18%), TikTok (+20%), Instagram (+20%), and Whatsapp (+17%) have all noticed and witnessed growth in the huge number of sessions per week per user as per data source Nielsen Report on COVID-19's influence on the transforming landscape in media and social platforms.


Even smart TV adaption and consumption & national OOT channels have reached unprecedented heights and a big changing cycle along with social media and digitalization. We have observed changes in our lifestyle and daily occupations in these tough times and now target good, creative, but light content.


What is the Positive Impact of the Pandemic, and how to tackle business in this scenario? 


During social trouble, crises, and pandemic, digital will not restrain or die and will prove to be a crucial mode to reach the target audience and potential consumers. However, it is taken care that the current global problem and crises are severely volatile and sensitive - so there are a few pointers which are stated below which good to know parameters to be kept in mind to thrive in the digital space in the present situation and scenario.


Do not stunt or experiment with the situation. The most unethical and improper thing a brand or business can do is capitalize on fear and worries. Businesses and big companies do not perform that. Yes, hoarding and selling important items and consequently marketing and selling them in a time of requirement when not allowed can be distinguished as a criminal offense in many countries. Investing your energy, time, and resources in a long-term benefit and advantages would be the appropriate and efficient measure here.


  • Strongly analyze and understand the power of e-commerce.

If Nike, Apple, and McDonald's are having issues selling products and services or offering their performance offline - you will too have trouble for the same. E-commerce has taken a little shoot as well amidst all the chaos and hardship, but one could predict that it will pick up much faster when compared to offline selling and purchasing. The COVID-19 crises may shape e-commerce as a norm for every business soon. This time you can invest and put in content marketing and warehousing, developing communities, and strong SEO for the e-commerce domains and platforms.