Sixty-one percent of the users still trust and use Email to share their information online. It has become one of the most reliable sources for sharing data among businesses and otherwise. It also doesn't have any age or gender barriers, and one can share any message through Email across the world. The massive usage and rising global relevance of Email is the key element to make Email Marketing necessary for business.  We at Diginfo understand the importance and significance of Email marketing to grow your business online. Our expert professionals understand how to make your Email look unique and engaging so that it doesn't go in the trash. We use various email service providers (ESPs) to share automated and customized marketing emails that have the content to promote or reputation of your brand. So, use this most considerable support on the Internet and begin your email marketing planning today with us.  Our services include:
  • Building an Opt-in email list
  • Designing custom and proven template email layouts
  • Creating custom email content
  • Tracking your email campaigns
  • Testing your email campaigns
  • Advanced email marketing strategies